Mayor's Outreach Program "Ngwana Sejo o a Tlhakanelwa" - Moretele

Mayor’s Outreach Program “Ngwana Sejo o a Tlhakanelwa”

Moretele Local Municipality – Mayor’s Special Projects Unit, under the leadership of Honorable Mayor Masango George Manyike, is proud to announce the success of the “Ngwana Sejo o a Tlhakanelwa” outreach program aimed at restoring dignity to less privileged learners across Moretele.

Today, the program made significant strides by reaching out to three schools: Mmatsheko Primary School in Danhouse, Mathibestad Primary School in Mathibestad, and Thipe Primary School in Makapanstad, under the chieftaincy of Kgosi Kgolo Nchaupe Makapan wa Boraro.

A total of 200 learners benefitted from this initiative, receiving essential school shoes and care packs provided by the office of the Mayor.

The Mayor was joined by a dedicated team of Municipal leadership, including:

  • HR Portfolio Chairperson Cllr VK Maluleka
  • IDP & PMS Chairperson Cllr F Tsoku
  • Ward 19 Cllr F Modise
  • Ward 1 Cllr I Zimba
  • Ward 7 Cllr L Mosane
  • Special Projects Members Cllr D Sithole and Cllr G Mamadi, led by Special Projects Portfolio Chairperson Cllr VM Mphaphudi.

This program exemplifies our commitment to supporting underprivileged learners within the Moretele jurisdiction, and we are excited to announce that the outreach will continue in the coming weeks to reach even more learners

Together We Move Moretele Forward.

For more information, please contact:

Mayor’s Special Projects Unit
Phone: 012 716 1300 / 012 716 1305