Men’s Seminar - Moretele

Men’s Seminar

*For Immediate Release*

*Thursday, 18 April 2024*

*Hundreds attends Men’s Seminar!* Men of all ages including the elderly, middle-aged and the youth honoured Moretele Local Municipality’s invite to a first of its kind men’s seminar. The seminar held under the theme “Monna Thuma Tidimalo” saw men sharing their experiences about life. The seminar was held today, Thursday, 18 April 2024 at the Municipal hall. Different speakers including Makapanstad Station Commander, Colonel Simon Mathabe explained to men that stress in finances is the cause of gender based violence in most cases while some are caused by alcohol abuse. “When men fail to honour their financial commitments, they end up beating their wives because they cannot provide.” Financial literacy presentation was made by Absa bank who educated men on spending, loosing and making money, saving money and managing credit and risk. Men took turns to ask questions on lifestyle versus income, needs and wants among others. E.S Kgaka Attorney’s educated men on living wills and trusts. Mayor’s Special Programmes Manager, Pule Moseki said there’s a culture that men tend to do when they think they’re superior to women. “They tend to get side chicks which results in affecting them financially and causing lack of support to their spouses. It is important that men do away with that. In South Africa men can marry more than one wife, and that must be respected since it is African culture and tradition. I urge men to follow the approved customary marriage procedures to avoid side-chicks.” Moretele Mayor, Hon. Cllr Masango George Manyike delivered a key note address. He said life does not have a manual’ or a rewind button that one can press to make things right.’ “Unfortunately, we cannot rewind life, nor predict it but we can fully experience it or learn from others.” “Learning from others is a valuable skill that can boost your confidence and help you grow personally and professionally,” he said. The Mayor said as men maneuver life, adulthood and parenting, they must take time to pause and introspect and ask themselves if they are making the right choices. “Life needs a balance. We must always remember that you reap what you have sown.” In closing, the Mayor encouraged men to maintain the five pillars of personal wellness, being financial health, physical health, mental health, emotional health, and spiritual health. He said when one is not financially well, their physical, mental, and spiritual health will also not be okay. “Let us use the resources made available to us in the institution and in government. We have social workers where one can go to get free professional counselling, etc, if you do not want to speak to their peers, family, or colleagues”.